Sweet Factory
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
The site belongs to the oldest known sweet maker in the city. The owner wanted to expand their production capacity from their original premises in the old bazaar to a larger plot outside the city. This new plot was already enclosed on three sides.
Given the significant heat in Rajasthan and the fumes generated by the production of sweets, the most immediate need was to provide proper air circulation in the building. A four feet wide passage on the south side caters to this, by allowing the south-west wind to enter the building and naturally ventilate it. Instead of the building standing proud from the surrounding, the local stone is used for all load-bearing walls. The buildings’ presence is subtly announced by isolated vernacular elements carefully configured along with the sweet manufacturing space, office space, snacks manufacturing space and the workers’ living area, stacked on top of each other with passive climate design strategies


The Central staircase

Ground floor plan

Front elevation

Circular opening at the central staircase
Project Details
Client -- Mr. Dhanraj Bhatia
Built-up area - 9400 sq ft
Principal Architect -- Maneesh Kumar
Contractor -- Prem