Vrindavan Guesthouse
Vrindavan, UP, India
2012 - unbuilt
Situated in the religious town of Vrindavan, the Vrindavan Guesthouse is designed for religious ascetics devoted to Lord Krishna. The guesthouse is designed to accommodate devotees who would stay in an austere and simple atmosphere. Guests can walk on a pathway circumambulating a temple placed in the centre of the ground floor. Although surrounded on three sides by built-forms, the plan of the guesthouse ensures that it is kept naturally cool with ample ventilation through the central courtyard. Quality of space in here becomes increasingly quieter as the natural light reflects from the double-height ceiling above. The sculptural staircase connects the upper floors to the soft landscape on the ground, washed by the diffused light coming from above.

Isometric view

The Central courtyard

Ground floor plan

First floor plan
Double height living room

Front elevation

Isometric view

A view from the central courtyard
Project Details
Client -- Swami Shree Krishnachandra Ji
Built-up area -- 2510 sq ft
Principal Architect -- Maneesh Kumar
Satish Jangid